Archive for teaching poetry

2010-2011 school year: day forty

Posted in comics with tags , , on December 6, 2010 by Christopher Pearce

I honestly don’t know what “Day” these comics are anymore. The “It Gets Better” detour was the equivalent of four days of comics, but they clearly didn’t deal with more than two days. It’s confusing but until I can think of a better way to title these and keep them in order, let’s just live with the lie, why don’t we?

I believe I said this yesterday, but it bears repeating: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED ME OUT THIS WEEKEND WITH MY DONORSCHOOSE PROJECTS! I had FOUR projects fulfilled, to the tune of $1400 dollars, when all is said and done. I had so many readers tell me they donated or intend to donate and it is most appreciated. Folks have been e-mailing me asking me when DC will be posting more of my projects so they can use their cards; I will let everyone know here when they get around to posting new stuff.