2010-2011 school year: day eight

I just thought I’d mention the weirdness of doing a comic like this. Teaching is a topic I’ve never seen done as a journal comic, and perhaps this is because there are certain aspects of the job that are very repetitive. For example, The top panel in today’s comic mirrors a strip I drew last year. My ninth grade students just finished reading “The Sniper”, a story which I talked about here and here back in 2009.

One of the challenges in doing this strip is going to be to find unique ways not to repeat myself. I think part of that will be re-linking to last year’s comics every once and awhile for context.

That’s a roundabout way of saying yes, I do call ALL my students parents to introduce myself. It’s time consuming but well worth the time it takes to make the effort… and apparently, the time it takes to draw the action into a comic strip twice in two years.

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