Teacher Comics: New Tech Rollout


I should say, I know that the 9th grade teachers at my school have their own unique and frustrating set of problems with this rollout, but I stand by the comic. At least they’re introducing a program for which their students have no high school precedent, which thereby becomes the standard.

3 Responses to “Teacher Comics: New Tech Rollout”

  1. I dealt with all this, too. since I was brought in on the students’ first day, I was always playing catch up and planning at the last minute and never had time for copies (the school makes you submit copy requests, takes a day). So I’ve relied heavily on technology and digital assignments. I think it’s great for our students, though. Most need the extra tech education. Our school had to cut back almost all technology courses.

    • Christopher Pearce Says:

      There are definitely plusses and minuses to going one-to-one. I like it a bit more now than I did even a month ago.

      • That was a point I’d meant to make. So much better now that we’re a quarter in. Today I’m out sick and it was nice to be able to just email my classes what they need to do today.

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